Albert Dytch, MFT Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Oakland / Berkeley / SF East Bay

Focus on the Positive

Activities to Promote Change

Change frequently happens most effectively when we choose to change just one thing at a time. Practice one of the following activities during the next week. After you have made it a regular part of your life, try adding another.

  1. List 10 things you are grateful for. Refer to your list daily and add to it.
  2. Appreciate 5 of your personal strengths. Add to your list each day.
  3. Identify 5 of your partner’s good qualities and appreciate them out loud.
  4. Repeat #3 for your children.
  5. At least once a day, tell members of your immediate family how much you love them.
  6. Attribute positive motivations to others, especially those who annoy you.
  7. Do something kind for a stranger with no expectation of a reward.
  8. Congratulate yourself for catching negative thoughts, then let them go
  9. Spend 10 minutes envisioning your life as you would like it to be.
  10. Take satisfaction from 3 things you accomplished today.
  11. Keep a daily journal of your positive experiences.
  12. Before you go to sleep, think of 3 things you’re looking forward to the next day.